Thursday, 30 May 2024
Ana Kreigel
insulting poets (for a very insulting chip thief)
Well, he’s in the doghouse and has no idea why,
It’s a familiar place he won’t deny,
This is where she said to go,
For what reason he still doesn’t know,
Yet here he sits in his newfound home,
Quietly sat just left alone,
Came home from work as he did all week,
To be told to him she will not speak,
Not for weeks after what he has done,
And just to enforce it there will be no fun,
And still no clue why he is sent right here,
The more time passes the less he is clear,
While in the doghouse he decides to just wait,
His life his time she says contemplate.
To this place of now comfort he has been sent,
Silently hearing her shout and vent,
So often here now it feels like his home,
No one to talk with here on his own,
With a thousand jobs flying about his head,
He forgot to do something while she lay in bed,
But he did recall that this drove him mad,
For he had given her all that he had,
And while in this doghouse he formed a plan,
Promised he would be a better man,
As she waited for her man from work to come home,
Intending to the doghouse send him again on his own,
With the light now fading and still no sign,
She wondered was this by way of design,
No man came home at the end of this week,
Now she must go and him try to seek,
A phone call later and directions were sent,
A new house built where no one could vent,
No screaming nor shouting in this his new place,
The name on the door showed horror on her face,
Here is my home fit for a man or a mouse,
Henceforth be known as the peaceful doghouse.
Tuesday, 23 April 2024
dawn to dusk
When dawn turns to
As this day ends and
dawn calls dusk
A vacant space will
be felt by all,
An eerie confusion
will become a must,
Who if any will
answer our call?
Faces look wondering
who will now smile?
As light starts to
fade and the moon brightly shines,
Dawn sadly leaves
hopeful hearts and minds,
We are grateful to
you for the time you have spent,
So helpful and kind hearing
to all who vent,
Troubles and woes no
longer voiced.
The space now empty where you would
Asking all without favour if they were
How life was with them on each given
Hearing intently what they had to say,
A caring look enough to beguile,
A little less light will now grace our
Business as usual will continue to
As you leave this place no longer stand
We will surely miss you this much is
We wish you every and the best of
Faces look for who now may smile,
Troubles or woes to whom will they
Who’s caring stare will now beguile,
Who shall offer some or other choice,
As you dawn, call dusk your one of the
So, dawn turns to dusk, and you leave our
Having given to so many a smile warm
and bright,
Here’s to you for playing your part,
And showing one and all you have a
good heart.
Held dear by so many good health and God
Christy (punchy) o Donnell
Friday, 15 March 2024
mammy's only child
Mammy’s only child
My sister say’s her
mother loved her, strange as though it seems,
I tried to recollect
this but only in my dreams,
She say’s she loved
her dearly, of us a baker’s dozen,
I thought she had a
soft spot, for a distant cousin.
In all the years she
knew her mam, her memories are intact,
Mothers favourite she
is heard to shout and this she says is fact,
Her mammy loved but
her alone and dare you contradict,
With all the rest of
us she says her mammy could be strict,
Perhaps I said she
humoured you, while you were growing up,
Kept you smiling long
enough, until you grew enough,
To see that there
were more of us, younger but like you,
Thinking mammy loved
only us, hoping it were true?
A resounding shake of
her blonde hair, and swift decline of truth,
Her mammy loved but
her, she had no time for the youth,
Nor all who dared
come after her, as she was the only one,
None of us could call
her mother, until sister dear was done,
So, we grew up
without a mammy, no one there to call,
Until said sister was
away, and our mother we would call,
Then 12 of us would
share said sister’s only mam,
Each night we prayed
she’d marry some woman or a man,
My sister told her
family her mam loved only she,
And smiled her way
through life, as happy as can be,
None but her existed
in the eyes of her dear mother,
Neither nine of her
dear sisters nor one of her three brothers,
My sister says her
mammy, showed her only love,
held her in such
regard beside only God above,
yes, she loved her
dearly amongst her baker’s dozen,
I still recall well
talked about, not-so-distant cousin.
15- 03- 24
Christy o Donnell
(Which sister huh?)