Monday, 5 October 2015

horses by night

The conversation 1974


Did you hear the racket, going on last night?

I thought it was thunder, from the sky,

Her neighbour said, she got a terrible fright,

Which neither of them, could deny,


They were shouting and roaring like devils from hell,

Along every street in the place,

Vans hooting horns, I just couldn’t tell,

They had hoods, pulled tight on their face,


It was worse than the black n tans, they said,

As they gossiped, over the garden wall,

I’m surprised one of them isn’t dead,

Awake all night, waiting for them to fall,


The noise would scare, a seasoned whore,

Galloping on every street,

Sure I thought they would come, right in my door,

Horses with metal shoes, on their feet,


Sure how’s your young lad? Still not well?

Mine’s the same, god help us its tough,

We bring em into this world, and we never can tell,

Getting em out of the bed, is hard enough,


Up all night he says, too tired to rise,

Never heard the racket galloping in the street,

Barely able to open his eyes,

And your lad the same, tis the doctor they’ll meet,


Why are the guards stopping at our door?

They’re coming in, oh god, the utter shame,

And us two loving mothers, from good stock and more,

Must be that racket last night, they know who’s to blame,


From two upstairs bedrooms, there’s a sudden flurry,

Two mothers angels, are vacating the place,

The want to be jockeys, are gone in a hurry,

Leaving, two mortified mothers, in total disgrace.

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