Thursday, 18 July 2019

Vacation calling,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Sentence postponed

Vacation calling,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Sentence postponed
2 of 3
Asleep in the city, lay a man of no means,
On a bench, in a doorway, he smiles as he dreams,
Somehow somewhere, life slipped him by,
Alone sleeping rough, is where he now lies,
And ,,,
At the far side of town, boy A and B wait,
Three whole months, to find out their fate,
Who can afford the top legal fees?
Weary by a graveside, two parents grieve,
Asking for reports, is a judge sat on high,
Vacation is looming, let sentence be denied,
Cosy in bed boy A and B sleep,
The damage they caused, left a family to weep,
Asleep in the city, a woman it seems,
Hides in plain sight, not daring to dream,
No bed in jail, nor escape from her cell,
Living rough on the street, her own living hell,
Boy a and boy b, will still have the chance,
Sentence be served, their lives to enhance,
Inside the prison system, they will live well, and learn,
Buried deep in a grave, forgotten the harm,
Asleep in this land, are we as a nation,
Where murder is normal, or so it would seem,
Postpone the sentence, we are off on vacation,
Easily forgotten, are a young dead girls dreams,
To history and the archives, a murder is sent,
All the reports, will say much the same thing,
Educate rehabilitate, both boys will repent,
Anna Kreigal remains, a life never spent.

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