Sunday, 19 August 2018

pennsylvania we hear ya

Pennsylvania we hear ya

Oh, he’s coming, the head of Catholicism, let’s all meet him in the park,
Show him how good we are, let’s all have a lark,
Show him there’s no hard feelings, foe the damage his lot have done,
Stealing so many childhoods, hiding all his buddies, every one,

Send them to the missions, where no one will ever know,
Off to Pennsylvania, where their horror stories grow,
But their leader, he is coming, to visit one and all,
And we are paying for this privilege, we won’t help the ones who fall,

Now he might just be a good man, I cannot say for sure,
But when his lot were asked for help, they firmly shut the door,
Hid the priests who were preying, on the parish kids whom they perceived,
No one would ever listen to, they wouldn’t be believed,

In among the families who were broken and ignored,
Outwardly showing compassion, to darkened places, the abused were lured,
But to Ireland he is coming, the chairman of their board,
While the Vatican in its banks, our offerings it will hoard,

Still around the pews, their basked it is sent,
We pay for their escape, yet not one of them repent,
Oh now these missions are educated, no longer quiet on the floor,
All are beating the same path, to the churches door,

And still the ranks are closed, yet hiding in plain sight,
Hoping those abused, will either die, or give up the fight,
In Ireland we’ll spend millions, to welcome the papal crown,
Hide every bad thing they did, have a party in every town,

The head of the largest paedophile ring in the world, is coming to the park,
Why not throw our kids at him, let’s all despair, continue hiding in the dark,
Pennsylvania is not alone, their predicament is nothing new,
But every cent put in that basket, helps them bury what we know is truth.

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