Thursday, 10 January 2019

sunrise to sunset

Sunrise to sunset

Yes, you saw the sun rise, asked,” was it cold outside?”
Never looked surprised, saying, “the weather wouldn’t be denied”
Then settled into the prayer book, prayed for everyone you knew,
For all that god deemed worthy, he took, left some to help you through,

As the sun climbed in your sky, life and love held you dear,
As hard as you would try, lost love, left things unclear,
Your children all reared well, ill health that slowed you down,
Time would only tell, on which day, you’d smile or frown,

A lifetime of looking back, things that might have been,
Times you had the craic, not to last, it seemed,
Seeking life through magazines, handed in to browse,
Every bargain to be had, fill each room in the house,

Yes that sun rose high, you prayed to god each day,
Suffering here on earth, in heavenly peace, is where you lay,
Looking back have no regret, lay in your place of eternal rest,
So glad we are to have met, someone who aced life’s test.

On the day the sun would finally set, on a life much loved by all,
They came one by one, your children, made soft your fall,
Surrounded by love, as your last breath began to fade,
Left behind this life, all the efforts you had made,

And, so the sun has now set, the last breath, your body left,
Those who cared, have no regret, proud children here bereft,
Your body may be gone, but your spirit lives on through,
In heaven where you belong, missed by everyone you knew.

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