The father’s chair
He sits quietly in his single armchair,
Watching his world evolve in real time,
It’s playing like a movie, no script, yet clear,
He sits quietly but still he is there,
Mother’s day is coming and there’s lots of hype,
Flowers chocolates and all things nice,
Kids away but there’s always Skype,
He sits quietly counts the price,
There is a day for fathers, less advertised,
Comments of every day is father’s day,
He worked hard never compromised,
He sits quietly has very little to say,
He has been there for all a shoulder for many,
They feed him and let him watch his T.V.
All things considered it seems so uncanny,
He sits and watches all he can see,
No one recalls when he was so ill,
At no time did he ask for their aid,
In a home full of people he sat so still,
He sits here a father with very little said,
They come now to visit and watch his chair,
His world stopped no more time,
No movie no script everything unclear,
So quiet now he no longer sits fine,
Memories of why didn’t someone ask,
Is there something you might like to do?
Perhaps get involved in some or other task,
An empty chair time stopped missing you.
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