Wednesday, 24 July 2019

a political penis

 A political penis

So Johnson is the new p.m., in dear old tory town,
London will never be the same again, this time it will fall down,
Instead of building bridges, and trading with the world,
Into his mates garden is where we are now hurled,

Johnson is a slang term for penis, this is what I’m told,
An American dick for pm. would this story ever grow old,
So a penis sits in Whitehall, Johnson is his name,
In the Whitehouse in the states, another useless one does the same,

And a Brexit is the watchword, as we wait these dick’s decision,
A dick looking for a deal, and a penis might well deliver,
Its worse we are improving, or so it now appears,
A war on common sense is losing, fake news so very clear,

While Boris sits in parliament and Donald on his throne,
American born Johnson, for president could roam,
He’s eligible to try, or so it would seem,
Might even win, disrupt poor Donald’s dreams,

Either way we are goosed, by the hand of one dick or the other,
They somehow look alike Perhaps they could be brothers,
A power sharing family, across the great divide,
Nowhere on the planet, will be safe to hide,

So we’ve a dick in the states, and another in blighty,
Sharing power on our planet, which is truly mighty,
The end could be nigh, caused by a country with a border,
And our Leo it seems, prefers a dick to order!

So sitting in the Whitehouse is a right flaming dick,
While home in his chair a Johnson waving prick,
And to top it all in Eierann’s green isle,
All these dicks in the arena makes veradacker smile.

Thursday, 18 July 2019

Vacation calling,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Sentence postponed

Vacation calling,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Sentence postponed
2 of 3
Asleep in the city, lay a man of no means,
On a bench, in a doorway, he smiles as he dreams,
Somehow somewhere, life slipped him by,
Alone sleeping rough, is where he now lies,
And ,,,
At the far side of town, boy A and B wait,
Three whole months, to find out their fate,
Who can afford the top legal fees?
Weary by a graveside, two parents grieve,
Asking for reports, is a judge sat on high,
Vacation is looming, let sentence be denied,
Cosy in bed boy A and B sleep,
The damage they caused, left a family to weep,
Asleep in the city, a woman it seems,
Hides in plain sight, not daring to dream,
No bed in jail, nor escape from her cell,
Living rough on the street, her own living hell,
Boy a and boy b, will still have the chance,
Sentence be served, their lives to enhance,
Inside the prison system, they will live well, and learn,
Buried deep in a grave, forgotten the harm,
Asleep in this land, are we as a nation,
Where murder is normal, or so it would seem,
Postpone the sentence, we are off on vacation,
Easily forgotten, are a young dead girls dreams,
To history and the archives, a murder is sent,
All the reports, will say much the same thing,
Educate rehabilitate, both boys will repent,
Anna Kreigal remains, a life never spent.
