Giving bloods
Will you give us a pint, they are making a
We all should give blood, for reasons that
are good,
Come on now what do you say,
So I asked for the form, which was only the
And a pen to write on the paper,
So with pen held in hand, I would write as
I stand,
In this a lifesaving gesture,
It may help save a life, of a poor husband
or wife,
And I thought it wouldn’t be bad,
But the questions they asked, left me
somewhat perplexed,
And for a finish feeling so sad,
Have you ever had sex, with a friend or
your ex?
The would be deemed unprotected,
Or felt ill at ease, from venereal disease,
That went too long un-detected,
Or sex with a woman, who had sex with a
Said man using no condom with new man,
Or perhaps with a man who has had sex with
some woman
Who has had sex with a man with a man?
The line it grew longer, my resolve somehow
I was determined to tic every box,
They wanted to know, if I came too or fro,
From the UK, and did I have clean socks,
In the eighties it said, as I soon might be
Just answer yes if you please,
For it was no mean feat, if you ate their
red meat,
You might have mad cow disease,
So I looked at this form, it didn’t seem
the norm,
I asked the nurse who attended,
These questions on sex, with or without my
With man woman or beast I’m offended,
Did you travel she said, as I sat on her
There is no need for you to fret,
I’ve travelled I said, in and out of my
No blood from me will you get,
I am still in a haze, from that form on the
And they want to remind me by text?
Before the needle went in, I was gone, twas
a sin,
That giving blood was all about sex.