should cardinal brady resign or what
As a race us Irish were always bound by canon law,
Forever told to look away when any wrong we saw,
The catholic religion ruled with an iron fist,
In the safety of their church all allegations missed,
No education and poverty were the tools some priests would use,
The opposite for them gave them the right to kid’s abuse,
Or so it would appear as in the light of present day,
When a Childs trust is broken the hurt is there to stay,
And should one feel aggrieved and to that church try complain,
They would take it under advisement for now you must refrain,
So much hurt and pain from so many feeling free,
If too many came to light then to another place they’d flee,
He’s good at organising sure and most complaints are mild,
Let’s move him to another parish so he can hurt another child,
Young lads used to dread when asked to be an alter boy,
We saw the other kids after mass was over come out and cry,
It wasn’t every parish nor in everybody’s house,
That had a devil at the alter preying on gods house,
It seems to have been the way of things for religion on the day,
Shut up the poor uneducated and complaints will go away,
As parents we want more for kids better then we did,
Never will we accept that a complaint is shelved or hid,
Ours the generation that grew up without much choice,
As more and more we are heard in as loud and clear a voice,
Cover up is no excuse your sect is nothing short of shady,
As you preach from high you are wrong cardinal Mr. Brady,
Eamon Casey knew his secret hidden deep and well,
He took a lover had a child and near dammed them all to hell,
As a race we Irish have evolved well passed canon law,
And we will not be put off by Rome we will tell all we saw,
It was never just some priests, who were having peado fun,
There also were those of us, ruled by brothers and some nuns,
Non disclosure clause in compensations you had to pay,
Will never ease the heart of a child abused back in your day,
Of the people abusing kids you say your job was phone the boss,
Your betrayal as a child protector leaves a nation at a loss,
Did you call him yet again and ask should you give up your job?
Who could stay in your place and watch a childhood robbed,
When a childs trust is broken the hurt is there to stay,
Years go by the pain will linger and be felt each and every day.
5 May 2012
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