That’s nice (feck off)
People in glasshouses should never throw stones,
It’s an old saying about people with gripes and moans,
The main content of their conversation is to put others on trial,
The reality is people would rather run a mile,
Is it just too much to ask to be left alone to live,
In ones own way you might have something to give,
It would appear some are afraid of those who have fun,
And would like nothing better then to see them run,
The truth be told we only get one shot at life,
And having some fun is easier then daily strife,
I’ve watched them in their glass houses having a moan,
They get showered with glass by the throwing of stones,
So there are 2 new word replacements in the dictionary,
This will put a stop to a lot of inflamed controversy,
They may seem odd when first used so don’t scoff,
They are replacing those old ones called feck off,
Those words are not to be used is the given advice,
The 2 new words instead are called that’s nice,
So whenever anyone is annoying you or giving out,
Like those people in glass houses who are prone to shout,
And you don’t want to listen as your time does have a price,
Smile and when you get the chance say well now that’s nice,
I’ve seen it work so far in some places of interest to me,
The other person hasn’t a clue and thinks we all agree,
With all their huffing and puffing about things going wrong,
They smile back thinking we are all singing the same song,
And henceforth when we meet the woe is me crowd,
Moaning about the world and shouting far too loud,
Caught up in their world full of moans and groans,
They’ve even taken to doing it on their mobile phones,
Even when they know they have gone way too far,
They still won’t stop moaning while driving their car,
Here’s a little tip for the moaners, who complain,
And wreck everyone’s head time and again,
Think of 2 new words that you have learned here tonight,
And avoid the conversation and the possible fight,
People in glasshouses should practice throwing dice,
And know what you mean when you tell them that’s nice.
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