Thursday, 17 May 2012

united lost the league and feck off.wmv

a nice way to tell people who annoy you to fuck off

That’s nice (feck off)

People in glasshouses should never throw stones,

It’s an old saying about people with gripes and moans,

The main content of their conversation is to put others on trial,

The reality is people would rather run a mile,

Is it just too much to ask to be left alone to live,

In ones own way you might have something to give,

It would appear some are afraid of those who have fun,

And would like nothing better then to see them run,

The truth be told we only get one shot at life,

And having some fun is easier then daily strife,

I’ve watched them in their glass houses having a moan,

They get showered with glass by the throwing of stones,

So there are 2 new word replacements in the dictionary,

This will put a stop to a lot of inflamed controversy,

They may seem odd when first used so don’t scoff,

They are replacing those old ones called feck off,

Those words are not to be used is the given advice,

The 2 new words instead are called that’s nice,

So whenever anyone is annoying you or giving out,

Like those people in glass houses who are prone to shout,

And you don’t want to listen as your time does have a price,

Smile and when you get the chance say well now that’s nice,

I’ve seen it work so far in some places of interest to me,

The other person hasn’t a clue and thinks we all agree,

With all their huffing and puffing about things going wrong,

They smile back thinking we are all singing the same song,

And henceforth when we meet the woe is me crowd,

Moaning about the world and shouting far too loud,

Caught up in their world full of moans and groans,

They’ve even taken to doing it on their mobile phones,

Even when they know they have gone way too far,

They still won’t stop moaning while driving their car,

Here’s a little tip for the moaners, who complain,

And wreck everyone’s head time and again,

Think of 2 new words that you have learned here tonight,

And avoid the conversation and the possible fight,

People in glasshouses should practice throwing dice,

And know what you mean when you tell them that’s nice.


for all united fans ha ha love it

Rip fergies reign

Oh I met a man and I thought he was nice,

So I met him again and heard him give advice,

He was full of old chat about all kinds of stuff,

But mention football and got into a huff,

United he would say till the day that I die,

Manchester united was his war cry,

Shame really and such a great pity,

When on Saturday the 12th it was all about city,

Manchester city had won the premier league cup,

And from it all their team would for the next year sup,

Next door neighbours for so many a year,

Playing football together with trepidation and fear,

While Alex Ferguson rules united with a rod of steel,

City hired Roberto Mancini the title to steal,

All they had to do was beat queens’ park rangers,

The title was theirs and no thought of danger,

And for a finish both teams had to win on the same day,

But rangers with a man down had things going their way,

2 goals up rangers and city only being able to get the one,

5 minutes to go it looked like it was all over and done,

Face book twitter all the social network sites,

Had united with the trophy thinking it was their god given rite,

5 minutes to wait and united had things in the bag,

But up popped Deko and their hopes began to sag,

Someone called Aguero found the ball at his feet,

It was now 3 goals to 2 for city it was sweet,

They were all set and ready to paint Manchester in red,

When the news filtered through all celebrations were dead,

Then it was official they couldn’t believe it was all true,

Take down those banners tonight this city will be blue,

And while Mr. Ferguson sat with a mouthful of sour grapes,

There was no twitter no face book their fans were like apes,

They bought the title he said look at the price of their team,

That’s why they won and crushed all of our dreams,

And then a sign hung up it’s the end of fergies reign,

In Manchester things will never be the same ever again,

Then I left this man, whom I thought was so nice,

In a flood of tears I could give him no advice,

His life he said would never be the same ever again,

22 men, fighting over a small ball and calling it a game.


Thursday, 10 May 2012

shush catholic secrets were shelved

should cardinal brady resign or what

As a race us Irish were always bound by canon law,

Forever told to look away when any wrong we saw,

The catholic religion ruled with an iron fist,

In the safety of their church all allegations missed,

No education and poverty were the tools some priests would use,

The opposite for them gave them the right to kid’s abuse,

Or so it would appear as in the light of present day,

When a Childs trust is broken the hurt is there to stay,

And should one feel aggrieved and to that church try complain,

They would take it under advisement for now you must refrain,

So much hurt and pain from so many feeling free,

If too many came to light then to another place they’d flee,

He’s good at organising sure and most complaints are mild,

Let’s move him to another parish so he can hurt another child,

Young lads used to dread when asked to be an alter boy,

We saw the other kids after mass was over come out and cry,

It wasn’t every parish nor in everybody’s house,

That had a devil at the alter preying on gods house,

It seems to have been the way of things for religion on the day,

Shut up the poor uneducated and complaints will go away,

As parents we want more for kids better then we did,

Never will we accept that a complaint is shelved or hid,

Ours the generation that grew up without much choice,

As more and more we are heard in as loud and clear a voice,

Cover up is no excuse your sect is nothing short of shady,

As you preach from high you are wrong cardinal Mr. Brady,

Eamon Casey knew his secret hidden deep and well,

He took a lover had a child and near dammed them all to hell,

As a race we Irish have evolved well passed canon law,

And we will not be put off by Rome we will tell all we saw,

It was never just some priests, who were having peado fun,

There also were those of us, ruled by brothers and some nuns,

Non disclosure clause in compensations you had to pay,

Will never ease the heart of a child abused back in your day,

Of the people abusing kids you say your job was phone the boss,

Your betrayal as a child protector leaves a nation at a loss,

Did you call him yet again and ask should you give up your job?

Who could stay in your place and watch a childhood robbed,

When a childs trust is broken the hurt is there to stay,

Years go by the pain will linger and be felt each and every day.

5 May 2012

shush mr brady child abused.MP4

Friday, 4 May 2012

new stuff

school and a lesson in eating the body of christ i think the nuns killed him hahaha

Our first taste

We were told to get a move on into this huge room,

What they forgot to tell us was it was full of doom,

Inside there was this tall wirey looking nun?

Hands clasped together twiddling her thumb’s,

Sit in those chairs she bellowed in a stern voice,

At 8 years of age we didn’t have much choice,

Now you lot are in my first communion class,

And so help me one way or another all of you will get a pass,

You are here to learn the rites of religion this year,

And if I can’t teach ye easy then I’ll do it with fear,

If you have to talk then raise your right hand,

Then wait till I ask you and things will go grand,

For all your past sins each of you will repent,

We couldn’t spell religion let alone know what it meant,

An hour into this class and someone had something to say,

They raised their hand as asked their arse reddened that day,

This set a precedent for things yet to be revealed,

For inside her habit there was a torture chamber concealed,

A leather strap, a thick ruler, a duster from the board,

And when she let fly she never missed she always scored,

Someone in the classroom ended up with a lump,

If you weren’t fast enough to return her missile you got a thump,

If by any chance you were late for her class in the morning,

First thing she did was without any warning,

Into the cupboard where she keyed and locked the old door,

You were in there for the day you were thought of no more,

No lunch or no playtime and if she found you inside asleep,

Both hands on her desk and with leather strap you would weep,

On a Friday to the church we would walk to see mass,

Each boy holding hands with a girl in his class,

And returned to our classroom all hurried and in haste,

Here was a dead martyr which we were about to have a taste,

With this thought in mind we were sent on our way,

With one belt from the strap each of us was told to go pray,

Hurry she would say and get on yare bended knee,

In fear of our lives each of us kids would flee,

Our very first lesson in religion beat into our head,

And all for to taste this poor man that was dead?

Friday’s at school were never much fun,

And Christ died only because he was taught by that nun.

17 Jan. 12

i wrote this for someone who hasnt a good word to say about poetry in limerick

Old two faces,

He sits in the corner and watches all come and go,

Listening intently as they shuffle too and fro,

Smiling and talking to all who will listen,

Taking it all in there is no word he is missing,

Sipping slowly from the glass that holds his drink,

He searches for his next victim someone to sink,

Always seeking an answer to some question or other,

His timing is good and he soon someone will smother,

He moans about the poetry of poet’s corner,

The standard is rubbish like little jack Horner,

It’s all our own fault he says but what can you do,

He’s tried to influence things but there’s nothing new,

He is talking about people, who think him a friend,

These relationships will soon come to an end,

He wrote about some drunken idiot killing his dog on the road,

Meanwhile he sits in the pub drinking his load,

And boasts about how after six pints he can still drive,

Well you only have to kill something once for it not to be alive,

Old two faces continues about how everything is doomed to fail,

It’s all going nowhere hinting at Foley’s on the nail

No one knows what they are doing with poetry in this town,

He doesn’t think much of cuisle and starts to frown,

He is an expert on everything literary new and old,

He comes across as all knowing and his word will be told,

As soon as the crowd starts to leave and there’s less too and fro,

He pounces on some unsuspecting newcomer and let’s go,

He once gave me advice and had I taken it at the time,

I would have never again written another single line,

And I would not be the first that he tried to dissuade,

Many won’t come back because of him they were dismayed,

Perhaps it is time he felt the need to refrain,

From giving bad advice to anyone ever again,

Maybe if we hung a sign round his neck just to show,

If you want to feel bad then to this man you should go,

Old two faces sits with his drink and has nothing good to say,

If he dislikes what he hears then from here he should stray,

Beware how he speaks to you of others in any place,

He does the same with them about you a disgrace,

I once thought him an age old family friend,

Thankfully now that relationship has come to a joyous end,

26 Apr. 12

'On The Nail' Tues. 1st May 2012 Open-Mic - Christy O'Donnell
