Monday, 23 July 2012

almost left and the hospital visit

these are wrote after visiting hospitals for a long period in the last 2 months hope you like em .

Almost left

Oh I’m in the crowd amongst the group,

I’m in the know part of the loop,

I get to hear things that are going on,

I’m special I am the only one,

I’m in the audience sat on my seat,

I got here using both of my feet,

I gaze at the stage at the performing arts,

I’m in awe of the actors taking all those parts,

I’m stood right there at the side of the road,

Watching drivers haul their heavy load,

I’m in the window looking down on the street,

I see people shake hands as they greet,

I am walking along by day and by night,

I am unseen yet I do feel alright,

Come to think of it I feel nothing at all,

Even when I had that big fall,

I seemed to land firmly on the ground,

I was confused until something I found,

It was like a light coming on in my head,

I couldn’t figure out if I was alive or dead,

For no one saw me as I went to these places,

Not for me were those smiling faces,

Yet I felt I was there living in the crowd,

When I spoke no word nothing aloud,

Then I tried to recall where I lived and with whom,

And in what place I slept in whose house or room,

All I can see is a bright shining light,

People I know saying don’t give up please fight,

Then all of a sudden unmerciful pain,

I am in a bed this much is quite plain,

That light I saw is now shining in my face,

I recall now just what it is this place,

I was hit by a car as I crossed over the road,

The driver was careless over who he had rode,

There I was facing death on the brink,

Was it his mobile phone thoughtless unable to think,

Almost ending my life and sealing my fate,

If your driving then drive all other things can wait.

Hospital visit

On a visit to the hospital to see on old comrade in arms,

I thought to visit and listen as he voiced some of his charms,

His health was in bad shape but you just couldn’t tell,

If he was going to get worse or would he be well,

But I found him asleep as he lay in that hospital bed,

I woke him gently and he raised his weary head,

His operation went well and he retold it like a thriller,

Enthralled by his attitude towards the silent killer,

I am ready to face all things that come along my way,

And I’ll face my maker at anytime whether it is night or day,

I could just lay here and moan and be bitter,

But in all my time on earth I was never a sitter,

The missus and I sat and made out my last will,

And thanks be to god I remain alive still,

He goes on about his operation like it was a trivial thing,

Thanking, doctors and nurses and the cleaners for everything,

Though his humour and jokes were at first seen as a wall,

Put up by most just before they had a fall,

It soon became clear they were part of this man,

Who was dealing with his ailment like only he can?

As my time was near ending with my visit to this friend,

I got the impression nothing would shake him even his end,

For he has a firm belief in all things happen for a reason,

As he heads to old age and a brighter fuller season,

His missus he says runs everywhere and won’t be heard moan,

So why should he lay there and in pain groan,

If she can put up with me in my sorry state,

It’s a credit to her she’s been more then my best mate,

Bless you for your optimism may your future be bright,

I pray that god and yourself win the good fight,

Should I ever be unwell and things don’t look bright,

I’ll remember you sir and recall how to fight,

May the years ahead be joyous and happy as onwards you go?

You are inspiring to one and all that you know,

The difference between an optimist and a pessimist is plain,

When its life or death we alone choose the game,

And how we play it so that all can do it without a fuss,

You’re winning your fight and we are glad you are here with us.


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