Water ship drown
In Dublin city council they are living in a dream,
Where Ireland is the capital of Dublin it would seem,
Where nothing seems to matter as long as Dublin gets,
All the things that they desire in case anyone forgets,
Their pipes are leaking water from cracks down underground,
To find these leaky pipes no one yet has dug up or found,
Yet they pay someone to survey how much it will cost to fix,
But not one shovel left their yard their decision dirty tricks,
Nothing else is valued outside their running of their city,
Wanting the water from the Shannon the liffey smells quite iffy,
If they get their way and pump our Shannon water every day,
Hoping us in the west remain silent as they have their way,
Give the guys in Dublin the job of fixing all yer leaks,
Employment in this country could do with 1 or 2 little tweaks,
Instead of hair brained schemes to rape and plunder in the west,
Our water doesn’t leak we repair and we also test,
Never mind the flora and the fauna that you might kill,
Pumping water from our Shannon will leak in Dublin still,
If you think the corrib pipeline crowd were really up in arms,
Try us in the west we’ll show you all our charms,
Bring your pipes and pumps and put them in the Shannon,
At the doors of Dublin castle you will find the west is banging,
What in all good sense makes you think you have the right?
To take what’s not belong to you and not expect a fight,
You plunder us with taxes and do things your own way,
And hope it goes unnoticed we will have bugger all to say,
Well we don’t know or care how or where you get water to flow,
But into this west of Ireland is not you’re place to go,
Take another meeting and have your lunch in Grafton Street,
We’ll have you for desert when the Shannon people meet,
No water from our region will you steal for you’re leaky city,
Save the money on the pipes dip one in the liffy,
Dublin city council can take the west to court,
They have lots of cash but we have the people as support,
Fix yer leaking pipes and put the liffey water to the test,
Keep yer hands off the Shannon River if you know Whats best,
Get off yer lazy arses and do what you know is right,
Try taking our Shannon water and you’ll get one hell of a fight,
32 counties in Ireland 6 we may say we left fall,
That leaves 25 and 1 other shithole houses the Dail.
Water boy.
Get away from our water ya lousy ould git,
Cos yer pipes are leaking and you don’t want to get wet,
Just cos it’s cheaper to pump ours from the Shannon river,
Is it too cold in Dublin and fixing hands might shiver,
It’s water from limerick that can fix all that you seek,
Fix you’re on damn pipes go and find the leaks,
If you need water from limerick to help with you’re plight,
Take what’s left after we clean up from the shite,
We are sick of hearing how this country just fell,
Stay up in Dublin and get wet as well,
I don’t understand just why you can’t try,
If it’s water you need take a look towards the sky,
But no you’ll take our water your pipes to feed,
While they still leak you want us to pay you for the deed,
Now I know ye think we are all mad in the west,
But this is a very foolhardy quest,
If ye have yare ways then rather then fix the odd pipe,
It is much preferred to put up with all of the hype,
This is a country that has more rain any one I know,
Yet ye want water and can’t find someplace else to go,
And the governing body of Ireland reside in this place,
Is there any one of them still a part of the human race?
But let’s face it there used to be 32 counties in this land,
Six are slowly coming back which is grand,
And the other 25 don’t matter whatsoever at all,
Just as long as their good old Dublin doesn’t fall,
And fall it will I hope, amid all of the hype,
Straight into the Irish sea through a leaky old pipe,
And who will they blame when Dublin is gone and lost,
The 25 counties that don’t matter will have to pay the cost,
Either way they always find something for us to pay,
I’d hand over my lot if that mob in Dublin would just go away,
I think the pipes in Dublin are just like our lot in the Dail,
Leaking money to the banks like a sieve helping us fall,
In all the years the governments and their pipes were leaking,
In Dublin it appears there is no water keeping,
Keep on if you want to fight we’ll oblige in a jiffy,
But if you’re desperate for water take it out of the Liffy,
24 Nov. 11
i sent the dublin city council a video link just to see if they would answer noooooooooottt ha