Sunday, 4 December 2011

golden child

Golden child

The mother’s ear was all important in our house,

And with 15 of us there wasn’t room for a mouse,

In shifts one after the other I was number eight,

Yet we were always fed and dare you be late,

The girls and one brother numbered just seven,

He was number six and she said he came from heaven,

Nothing or no one could touch her golden boy,

By the time I came along it wasn’t worth a try,

For all things he had he held his mothers ear,

What he said was law he lived without fear,

So I took it upon myself to undo this wrong,

I didn’t care if I was the weakling and him holding strong,

First born son after six tries the father would say,

And he too held him in favour I was left to stray,

Yet he had a devious way with all that he had,

But as I worked on my plan to usurp him I was only too glad,

Behind the parents back we called him golden balls,

Whenever he wanted something he just calls,

For years I tried as a child to hold the mothers ear,

But he was firmly planted within this much was clear,

If he did something wrong and he was sure to be found out,

He just blamed the rest of us and we would get the clout,

All was going well for him until puberty came around,

His interest in the female sex saw him losing ground,

All my efforts to take him down a peg were seemingly in vain,

His interest in the fairer sex were the ones to blame,

No woman or girl would ever smile upon his face,

Never mind that she may be dressed in silk and lace,

Her golden balls would not sit at any table for a feast,

He was to go to college and serve his god a priest,

And if this was not to be and her plan fall flat and fail,

It was off to the Christian brothers there for him to hail,

With him holding the mothers ear closely and in trust,

She might have looked harder at the girl with a huge bust,

For all her time and wishes flew straight out the door,

One look from him to the busty girl had him wanting more,

All her hopes and wishes had turned into a bed of fears,

Although he had her ear it ended all in tears,

He married said busty girl and heeded none of her calls

In all the time he had her ear his wife now had his balls.

14 Nov. 11

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