Sunday, 2 March 2025
death of a martyr
finding fathers
the pandemic
The pandemic shows no sign of shifting
Let's all have a party in Clifden
If they find out so what
They're a right foolish lot
We'll spin em a yarn and they’ll listen
know this
Yes, it is me. A fleeting thought,
Passing through your mind,
I am there always, waiting,
for you to find,
Know you this, you are forever cared for,
Know you this, it is I who cares,
For we are family, born to the same clan,
Share the same genes,
From some woman or man,
Not always speaking, yet ever present in dreams,
Know you this, I think of you often,
Know you this, I cared, in your darkest times
I cared enough to fill a box,
with things you might enjoy,
I care enough to listen,
when others may not try,
Know you this, of you, I fondly think,
Know you this, lean on me, when you face the brink,
We are family, share the love and loss,
We are many and we are few,
We all have in time paid the price, suffered the cost,
Looking back the love and loss we knew,
But hear this, you are loved,
Know this, you are thought fondly of,
We are eldest and youngest, look forward and recall,
Parent and child, helped cushion many a fall,
Sat at life's table, we share in the good,
Iron out anything, misunderstood,
Know you this, good or not I think of you,
Forever care for, and family cares,
Present in dreams, thought of often,
In your darkest hour, you have family,
Whom fondly of you think.
Christy o donnell 😊
did you meet anyone
Did you meet anyone?